IAM Michigan State Council
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International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Michigan State Council


Michigan State Council Meets In Port Huron

The Michigan State Council met in Port Huron, Michigan March 15, 2004. There were 75 delegates and guests in attendance along with General Vice President Lynn Tucker, Grand Lodge Representatives James Smith, Dave Porter, Paul Shemanski and Karl Heim, Communication Representative Jim Tyler, Education Representative Doug Sizemore, Grand Lodge Auditor Tony Chesnois, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and several guest speakers who helped set the tone for the Conference.

The Michigan State Council once again takes the lead in the Legislative and Political arena. We are proud to report the Michigan delegation raised over $5,395.00 for MNPL. Several presentations were conducted by the Eastern Territory Office along with Advance Communicator Kelly Roop who introduced Michigan State Councils new web page. Michigan State University Director of Labor Program Service John Beck gave a class on “Concession Bargaining”.

On behalf of the EasternTerritory, we extend our thanks to Council President Dick Cummings and all the Council Delegates for a job well done.

Labor’s voice will be heard in 2004



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Last modified: 2/18/2010

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